Quest details
Level range: 41
Quest giver: Professor for Spirit Theurgy Lelly
Go south into Baily Forest and catch the Green Poisonous Spiders. Report to Lelly at the entrance of Serian Forest when you have collected ten of their Poison Pouches.
Lelly:[Player]:The minotaurs are a problem too, but relocating the bees from Baily Forest presents a new problem. If the bees don't pollinate the trees, Baily Forest won't continue to grow. I've got an idea: get the Poison Pouches from the spiders, who live in the south of Baily Forest.
Lelly:Right, I'll leave immediately
The sweetish tree sap is obtained through the pollination process. Wouldn't the bees return to Baily Forest ig they couldn't bear the scent of the foul smells around the area of Pedora? Ah, and don't worry, if you don't crush the Spiders' Poison Pouches, no smell will be emitted.
This task seems to be less tricky. Catch spiders and grab their poison pouches. This isn't a hard mission. It would be more exciting to defeat a dragon on the top of a mountain, am I right?
Hmm, this Poison Pouch has a scary colour. The question is, if we use a lot of this poison, will the bees even be able to come near Pedora? (As Lelly lightly presses the reddish black, conker-sized Poison Pouch, his face darkens unconsciously)