Quest details

Level range: 41

Quest giver: Professor for Spirit Theurgy Lelly

Kill 15 Highland Clan Pillagers and 15 Highland Clan Minotaurs, north of Baily Forest. Afterwards report back to Lelly at the entrance of Serian Forest.



During the work in Baily Forest minotaurs attacked the lumberjacks and drove them away. They've ended up all the way in Pedora. Go to Baily Forest and kill the minotaurs.


I understand. I'll leave straight away.


Ever since a grown up spirit, responsible for maintaining the spell, fell, unexpected things started happening everywhere. The only thing we can do now is to hold the fort. I am trying to look after the young spirits and organise everything. We have to hope that we will be able to return to the original Hod.


Ah, you're back again. Did you manage to defeat all the enemies?


Good. We have already given them hell so they are not going to act haphazardly. If such primeval monsters like the minotaurs can intrude here, it means that the protective spell has weakened. It will be a while until the young spirits are able to maintain the magic of Elixia.

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