Quest details
Level range: 40
Quest giver: Marshall of the spirit researchers Ruos
Take the path leading towards the north-east and meet Lelly, the professor of spirit theurgy, on your way to Serian Forest.
Ruos:[Player]:When it comes to defences, we're on our own! We can't do anything about that. Travel to the north east and meet Lelly, a professor for spirit theurgy, on your way there. He'll tell you all about condition of the forest. Try to help him.
Ruos:What does the area surrounding the Serian Forest look like?
It's catastrophic! As soon as I solve one problem, another one comes up. It's not surprising though. Ever since the magic protective barrier of Derion fell, mysterious things have been happening here.
I have said this right from the start. In the long run it is impossible to wear out the souls in this way. This is now the end result. Don't you realize that if we cannot protect the Serian forest there will be no more souls in Iberia? Who the hell are you?
My brother sent you, didn't he? I've already heard about your successes, Player. You might really be able to help us. Rayord and Haren aren't much help - unfortunately. *sighs*