Quest details

Level range: 41

Quest giver: Professor for Spirit Theurgy Lelly

Eliminate 15 Staring Googly Eyes and 15 Blinking Googly Eyes by the eastern ruins of Serian Forest and loot Inbain's Eyes. Report back to Lelly, the professor for spirit theurgy, afterwards.



Even young spirits who have come into contact with the darkness or die can be revived by filling them with pure magic power. Did you know that? There's a fiend out there who feeds on the magic power of young spirits, which kills them. These are spirits I raised with great care. Defeat Inbain's subjects and tear out his ghastly eyes!


Yes, I will eliminate him.


He's probably in the Serian Forest. You will find two magic ruins there. You'll be able to find him in the area of the eastern ruin. He also knows that sick and starving young spirits are there. So he's basically just waiting for dinner to turn up. He really is ghastly...


Oh, great, you came back in one piece! Did you punish those evil spirits?


Great! He has been eliminated so my efforts weren't in vain after all. Thank you.

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