Quest details

Level range: 32

Quest giver: Leader of the Magic Knights Drakan

Use the portal to get to Bostser's garden. The director of the magic school is on the second floor of the attacking tower. Speak to him.

  • Experience: 4691 EP
  • 0 6 490



This time you have to go to the home of the magic knights, Nezak. You have to go there, because the Mobido magic school is in a very dangerous situation. The director of the magic school, Meyer, has fled to Botser's garden, a shelter place. You should also go there.


I'll be on my way now!


Meyer is like a father to me. Thanks to him I've got this position now. If I could, I would have gone there myself a long time ago, and offered my help, but I can't leave my position. You have to give your best as my representative!


Ah,is that Kisaro coming out of the main fortress? As I don't know his face he can't have gone to our school. Did he perhaps attend the Alsenik magic school?l


You made your way up the ranks of the knights at the Kuznez training camp? You possess extraordinary skills!

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