Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Magic School Principal Meyer

Kill 25 Embittered and 25 Grieving Banshees at the Mobido Magic School. Go to Meyer afterwards.

  • Experience: 9260 EP
  • 0 12 912



There are actually a lot of spirits at the Mobido Magic School, even though it is protected by holy water. I just wonder how the spirits of the dead can even exist there? The situation is simply out of control. Can you please go to the school and eliminate the Embittered and Grieving Banshees?


Where did these creatures come from?


The monsters were just pouring out of the school! At the time we thought that we could protect the school with our powers. However, we relied too much on the holy water's protection.


Have you got rid of those wretched buggers who ruined the magic school's honour? I know that that method only works for a short time and that it isn't a long term solution, but the school has a long history and we can't just abandon it.


Thank you! Now it's about time I went to school and started the repair work.

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