Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Magic School Principal Meyer

Go the Alsenik magic school and talk to Gerod.

  • Experience: 5904 EP
  • 0 8 214



We are not the only ones who are in difficulties. The Alsenik magic school has been hit even harder. I'm going to deal with this. Go and see them.


Yes, that's okay


The principal of the Alsenik magic school is called Gerod. He has been a friend of mine for a long time. As he is a very proud person he will become stroppy when you offer your help. But secretly he will be pleased about your offer.


Player, a hero of Derion? How come a noble knight like you pays us his respects at such a filthy place? I didn't ask the main fort for help.


Meyer has brought this onto himself. The incompetent fool may need your help but I am different. I can control these little monsters to my heart's content.

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