Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Magic Knight Haren Allumid

Kill 12 kroger guards, 12 kroger hunters and 12 kroger observers in the southern Totznaro Forest and report back to magic knight Haren Allumid at the south east entrance of the Serian Forest afterwards.

  • Experience: 13722 EP
  • 0 18 654


Haren Allumid:

The krogers from the Totznaro Forest have suddenly started acting brutal and are attacking everyone that comes anywhere near them. According to Professor Lelly, our relationship with them was never particularly good, but we've never had to deal with this kind of violence before. We'll need time to find out what the cause is. So you should give them a warning before even more damage is caused. Kill 12 kroger guards, hunters and observers.


Why have they suddenly changed so much?

Haren Allumid:

Hmm... Until we've found out more information, I suppose all we can do is prevent them from becoming any stronger. Please take care of it...

Haren Allumid:

I'm glad you're back. How did it go with the work?

Haren Allumid:

Luckily we were able to calm down the situation this time, but what will happen next is still a mystery. *Haren Allumid takes deep breath*. Oh yeah, here, this is small thank-you for your help.

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