Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Magic Knight Rayord

Kill 15 dark assassins, 15 shadow guards, 15 earth guards and 15 wind guards in the center and the west of the Spirit Twilight and report back to magic knight Rayord at the south east entrance of the Serian Forest afterwards.

  • Experience: 16015 EP
  • 0 21 835



Have you talked to Haren? Did he think that I was being extreme? I can understand his point of view, but as I said before, isn't it best to eliminate them immediately? My opinion hasn't changed. That's why I would like to ask you a favour again. The fallen guards are spreading to the center of the western part of the Spirit Twilight. Kill 15 dark assassins, 15 earth guards, 15 shadow guards and 15 wind guards. Please keep it a secret from the Professor and Haren again, even if they're prepared to change their minds.


I understand. Time will tell.


I used to adore my father, because he fought so passionately in Valorian. Yet the more time goes by, the more it just seems so pointless. What's the point of occupying Iberia when it has been war-torn by the Rahu? However, please deal with this matter carefully.


I presume that everything went well?


I know that. I was able to complete the task with your help this time, but we won't be able to go on like this forever. *Rayord takes a deep breath.* This a small thank-you for helping me. It's nothing special, but it's from the heart.

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