Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Marshall of the spirit researchers Ruos

Take the large spirit path and talk to the magic knight Haren Allumid at the south eastern entrance of the Serian forest.

  • Experience: 7627 EP
  • 0 10 201



The magic knight Haren Allumid has asked for help. Lelly, who had accompanied him, did not mention anything about it... strange. Whatever, that means we have to be quick, so let's go to the south eastern entrance of the Serian forest immediately.


Hmm... I understand. Let's do that.


Be quick! I will let you know as soon as there is any news.

Haren Allumid:

Hey, Rayord, I've told you several times that that's just not OK. You should think before you act. *Haren Alumid argues with Rayord.*

Haren Allumid:

Ah, there you are! (Haren Allumid welcomes you warmly.)

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