Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Magic Knight Haren Allumid

Kill 15 threatening, 15 astonished and 15 wandering carnivorous trees at the center and eastern part of of the spirit twilight. Afterwards report to Haren Allumid, the magic knight, at the south-east entry of the Serian forest.

  • Experience: 17141 EP
  • 0 23 397


Haren Allumid:

I don't support Rayord's extreme methods, but you can't ignore the violent acts of the spirits in the current situation. Professor Lelly has also now realised it, since the situation is only getting worse. Therefore...(Haren Allumid halts.) Would you kill the sick carnivorous trees that are spreading out at the spirit twilight? Something has to be done.


Both you and Professor Lelly have made a difficult decision...

Haren Allumid:

I persuaded the Professor into making a definite decision, because I believed the time had come to do this. I can't stop thinking about whether this was the only solution. My advice is to listen to your heart.

Haren Allumid:

So how did it go with my request? *Haren Allumid carefully asks about the result.*

Haren Allumid:

You have accomplished a lot! Let's hope we don't have to ask you for a favour like this in the future... (Haren Allumid looks unhappy.)

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