Quest details

Level range: 63

Quest giver: Harbour superintendent Jadan

Collect 5 pieces of Scrap Iron at the Abandoned Plantation and take them to the Harbour Superintendent Jadan at Rekman Harbour.
  • Loot 1× Scrap Iron
  • Loot 1× Scrap Iron
  • Loot 1× Scrap Iron
  • Loot 1× Scrap Iron
  • Loot 1× Scrap Iron



I have discovered a new source of income west of the Abandoned Plantation. You can find pieces of scrap iron from Gor everywhere over there, which is difficult to get in Derion. However, there is a catch, in form of the monsters who are also there. Can you go and get some pieces of scrap iron for me?


Ever since the harbour closed, life here has looked like this...


After Rekman Harbour was closed, many dedicated sea men lost their jobs. Sea men with heart and soul. Only because the Big Boys don't think when they make a decision, we ordinary people have to suffer. At first I was beside myself with rage but now I don't care. Somewhere there is always hope. It wasn't a bad experience. If you can believe it...


You seem to be very exhausted, so I assume that you were able to get the scrap iron that I asked for? Am I right? *looks hopeful*


From Gor! *Jadan screams without realising it and everybody looks at him* It's such a huge amount that I could take it back to Markut and live a life of luxury from it.

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