Quest details
Level range: 63
Quest giver: Knight of the White Troop Pouh
You should call on Jadan, the head of the harbour, in Rekman and find out from him if the suspects have made use of the harbour.
Pouh:[Player]:There's only one way to get to the lake in Dragonrod- south-east in the Rekman harbour. If Medelo's right, the Gors have already taken this route back to their home. We don't know if we'll find out what we want to yet. So we should go to the harbour before we lose any more time and examine the tracks they left behind. It would also be a good idea to ask Jadan, the supervisor of the harbour if any suspicious incidents have occurred recently.
Pouh:Is it true that the shipping has stopped at the Rekman harbour?
Don't you think there's a reason why the usually weak people were able to hold their ground and keep the barren land? The shipping has officially stopped since the war started, but the trade is certainly carrying on illegally.
Looking at your attire one would assume that you have a high rank amongst the Derion people. Did you come to this outlying district for business? *He examines you*
Hey! To be honest: You seem like a little suspicious in my opinion. Coming here to this suburb, without revealing your true identity and then asking that question. Yesterday you're a foe, today you're a friend? We should become friends. If you do me a tiny favour I won't have a problem answering your question.