Quest details
Level range: 63
Quest giver: Harbour superintendent Jadan
Listen to harbour superintendent Jardan's speech. Afterwards investigate the ruins in the harbour and look for the ripped up report. Give it to Pouh in the Tekra camp.
- Loot 1× Ripped Up Report
- Experience: 14243 EP
- 0 14 151
Jadan:[Player]:Good, I agree. As you granted my request I will give you the information you want in return. Those suspicious persons you were talking about... You are referring to the Gors, right? They arrived here two weeks ago via Rekman harbour. As you have noticed this here is not a very comfortable place. They unpacked their things rather half heartedly and then weren't seen for quite a while. They arrived without a trace and left without a trace. That is all. If I'm honest there is no evidence that they are suspicious persons. It could be that we find new clues if we investigate the houses they lived in.
Jadan:If it is like that ... did somebody perhaps come to visit these creatures while they were living here?
Ah, if I think about it one day there was somebody here to visit these creatures! That person was wrapped from head to toe in a coat so it was difficult to tell whether it was a man or a woman. But it seemed to be a person of high rank. There was something menacing about it all ... you could say it was agonizing to watch this person for a long time. And they were wearing a special ring on their thumb. I have never seen such a big and beautiful jewel that's why I can remember it so well. Also this ring radiated a dark, violet light... *When he stops talking Jadan winces automatically, lost in his memories*
We can't waste any time in a situation like this. Furthermore, we don't know what type of plan the black knight alliance is plotting. Damn it! We're in a dilemma again. We have to find the soul fragment and can therefore not chase after the black knight alliance.
Ah, you have come back! But what is this document? It is the one that the Gors drafted together with the mysterious person in Rekman harbour? Let me see, "... it goes without saying that we support you when the iron golem is made. Nor do we have any qualms about supporting you with the production of the new mechanical monsters... *Pouh's hand that holds the document is shaking*