Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Lumberjack Blenhaim

Hunt escaped Alteru Tribe Cat Beasts and Destroyers in the Forest of Secrets. Loot twenty of their sharp claw daggers and take them to lumberjack Blenheim in the Forest of Secrets.

  • Experience: 9671 EP
  • 0 11 112



Shudka sent you over here? Even if you are telling the truth you have to prove to me that you are up for the challenge first. Hunt the escaped Alteru Tribe Cat Beasts and Destroyers in the Forest of Secrets. Get me twenty of their sharp claws!


I will show you how talented I am!


I've already lost a brave apprentice called Cromin. He was just like you, a talented and highly motivated young man. Unfortunately one of the missions was too much for him and he overestimated his abilities. Please think about whether you're really ready for this!


What? You're still here? You have to learn to appreciate your life and be careful with it! One scratch from those aggressive cats and their poison will infiltrate your blood and paralyse you.


You really did get those claw daggers! Great, I'll give you credit where credit's due.

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