Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Leader of the gate guards General Payon

Use the portal at the Kuznez Outpost and go to Tibered Fortrress. Find Shudka and speak with her.

  • Experience: 4177 EP
  • 0 4 912


General Payon:

Shudka from Tibered Fortress has got a task for you, but I can't remember what it was about. It all sounded pretty complicated. A trainer's job is no walk in the park either! *sighs* Sometimes I wish I were still a recruit myself, so many things would be easier. Whatever the case, make your way to Shudka - time is short.


Yes, sir, I understand.

General Payon:

I'm afraid I can't give you more detailed information about your mission, but Shudka will certainly be able to brief you on what you need to know.


Player, did you travel through space-time to the antique hideout and find the experiment report?


Don't be afraid, I know about the experiment report. We don't have much time, so let's get right to your mission, Player. We desperately need your skills! The fate of all of Iberia stands in the balance!

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