Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Secret agents of the White Troop Rudendol

Find Blenhaim, the woodcutter, in the forest of secrets, south of the suburb of Lezina. Speak to Blenhaim.

  • Experience: 6306 EP
  • 0 7 315



Nerhaim came to see me about two weeks ago and asked for emergency provisions. The commander in chief requested me to do it. What else should I have done? Because of him I got into this situation. Whatever it may be, he disappeared into the forest of secrets as soon as he received the emergency provisions.


The forest of secrets? What's up with that place...


The reason for it? How am I supposed to know that? He's a straight up person, and I don't believe that all he wanted to do was fill up his bags. Maybe he wants to travel? That's all that I know. After that I didn't see him any more.


What leads you here to the depths of the forest? I don't know if I'm the one you're looking for, I'm just a simple woodcutter *stops working and looks at you in a friendly way*.


You're looking for the commander in chief? And who are you? *Blenhaim looks at you sharply*

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