Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Guards Shudka

Go to the suburb of Lezina in the north of Tibered Fortress. Find Rudendol and speak with him.

  • Experience: 4511 EP
  • 0 5 289



Some time ago, Nerhaim went missing, along with a soul piece that was in the possession of the White Troop. Speak with Rudendol in the suburb of Lezina - he'll be able to help you.


But Nerhaim is supreme commander of the White Troop! How could he do such a thing? The crystal is needed for space-time travel!


Yes, that's right. I assume that he didn't want to see the soul piece fall into someone else's hands. I had told him that I was going to ask you for help. A short time later he disappeared - I imagine he thought he would solve the problem himself. But can it be used by just anybody to travel through space-time? I hope not. *sighs* Anyway, he's still our leader, and now he's in serious danger: they're going to try to take the soul piece from him, Player. Please help us!


In a secret brotherhood everything should remain undercover! You need to act inconspicuous. This requires certain skills that are much larger than you can imagine...


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