Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Leader of the gate guards Ainuman

Investigate the suspicious carriage in the Rust farmland west of the Arianrod gate and find out whether the rumour is true. Afterwards report to Ainuman, the leader of the gate guards.

  • Experience: 5651 EP
  • 0 6 762



When you go north east from here you will get directly to the region of the Raust farm land. It is now a waste land which is almost impossible to cultivate. Rumour has it that Derions have been sighted there. Go there to see whether it is true.


Yes sir!


Good, go to the Raust farmland area immediately. If you follow the broad path going north you will see the farmland on your left.


How is the situation? Are these wretched Derions really hiding in the farmland?


I beg your pardon? Is the rumour really true? Judging by the armour and the supplies you have found they should not be underestimated. Incredible ...!

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