Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Leader of the Caucasians Olivier

Talk to Ainuman who is at the Arianrod Gate.

  • Experience: 4764 EP
  • 0 5 662



While we are looking for the gate to space and time you have to do something for me. We have received the information that the soldiers of Derion have been sighted in the Raust farmland in Tarat. You should go to the Arianrod gate and help with the investigation of the farmland. Tell General Ainuman that I've sent you.


I'll pass it on.


Use the passage portal to get to the guardhouse on the south path. Follow the broad path and go south. There you will see the Arianrod gate. Look for Ainuman there!


The Valorians haven't hidden themselves in the farmland, have they? *Ainuman is lost in thought*


You have received an order from Olivier? So, you must be new. (Ainuman looks you up and down.)

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