Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: Leader of the gate guards Ainuman
After you have mixed the explosives of the Derions with the fuse eliminate the commander Oldran and report to Ainuman.
- Experience: 12207 EP
- 0 14 893
- Choose an item:
Ainuman:[Player]:Right, take this fuse! Judging by the top secret documents it seems that they are hiding the explosives in a carriage in the middle of the farmland. Destroy their plans by mixing the fuse with the explosives and bring me the head of that wretched conman Oldran!
Ainuman:What happened to the explosives...?
I have somewhat modified their explosives. If you mix this fuse with the explosives there will be a jolly reaction. (Ainuman imagines Oldran and gnashes his teeth.)
Could you chop of Oldran's head? That would definitely thwart his plans!
Good work! Thanks to your help the Derions will tuck their tail between their legs and quiver with fear in the face of your legions!