Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Guards Shudka

Listen to all that Shudka has to say.

  • Experience: 4177 EP
  • 0 4 912



The report you found describes an experiment that has already been conducted. How do we know that, you're wondering? *laughs bitterly* There were some undead sighted in Tebered, and they had been awakened in exactly the manner described in the report. This proves it: King Ruard is responsible for these experiments!


Why would King Ruard do such a thing? He is king of Derion, and Tibered is part of his domain! That doesn't make any sense. But then again, maybe you're lying to me - I don't even know who you are, after all. So why should I even trust you?


Then I'll tell you who I am. I hope you'll be able to trust me then: I belong to a secret organisation called the 'White Troop'. Jameson, Retram, and even Ophelia from Yesode all belong to the White Troop as well. We fight against the Black Knights and keep an eye on them in order to uphold the peace in Iberia. Our task is to clarify the intrigue surrounding King Ruard, and I can assure you: not everything is as it seems. I'm afraid we don't have enough information about King Ruard yet. All we know is that he behaves very strangely at times. That might all sound quite peculiar, but it's the truth. I give you my word.


Ruard has been experimenting with humans and turning them into undead in his Cellar Labyrinth for quite some time now. He used to do it even before Iberia was split into three kingdoms. Why has he started doing it again? It's a mystery to me. There must be a connection between the undead in Tibered and Ruard's experiments. Perhaps it has something to do with the soul piece that was recently discovered.


Now that I've let you in on the secret and you know what this is all about, I'd like to ask a favour of you, in the name of the White Troop: travel back in time and stop Ruard's terrible experiment from happening! Are you prepared to help us?

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