Quest details

Level range: 137

Quest giver: Spirit of Antiquity Hedipedes

Defeat Angelion in the Angelion Sewers and then talk to Hedipedes.

  • Experience: 618781 EP
  • 0 78 872



My task was at least as important as Merterion's. What was my mission? I've only just explained it! I created the hieroglyphics. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to chisel each individual symbol into those stones? The only problem is that I died before I could finish it. Wait a minute... aren't these the Angelion Sewers? Did I really die here? Haha, my goodness, I was like a madman on the run, so frantic that I don't even know where I died! But if I'm alive once again, does that mean that the crazy king is also...? Oh, what am I saying. That's impossible. He was alive 200 years before me!


Who are you talking about?


Wait! There he is, over there! Look! What do you mean who? Angelion of course! Behind you, over there!


Argh...! What happened? Did you defeat him?


Well, you seem to be much more skilful than I thought! You were able to defeat that crazy king. In certain ways we are much alike. I don't know why I was so afraid. Are there other people like us in other regions who are risen from the dead?

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