Quest details

Level range: 139

Quest giver: Spirit of Antiquity Hedipedes

Defeat the Mind-Controlled Kameria in the Sunken Temple and then talk to Hedipedes.

  • Experience: 686640 EP
  • 0 87 640



Oh, the High Priest is also arisen? That's very unusual! And if he should be guarding the stone tablets... well, that means that there were guardians with the other stone tablets. But I know nothing about it, despite what you tell me. I don't even really know why I myself am arisen. The only thing I can feel is that there is some kind of energy involved. It seems to be coming from the Sunken Temple. Is there something there? Oh yes! Why don't you go over and find out what's lurking in the temple. Please, go and look!


Got it! But might I ask what else you had wanted to record on the stone tablets?


Hmm? Naturally I wanted to write something extraordinary: an ode to my genius mind and my life's work. I wanted to write how I had completed this piece at the risk of my own life. I wanted to gift this text to posterity. Hey! Where are you going?


Oh, you're back already? From the look on your face, I'd have to guess something happened.


What? That was the dragon which rescued you from Parakelius. And you killed this dragon? That's... there's nothing I can say about it. Nor do I know if what a dead man says can offer consolation. I'm sorry to rain on your parade. But you seem to have extraordinary abilities. Listen to what I have to say.

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