Quest details
Level range: 139
Quest giver: Poltio's Assistant Sansua
Talk to Olivier at the Headquarters of the White Unit.
Sansua:[Player]:First of all we ought to have events thought over by the White Unit and leave our posts here. With Kameria having been here und Parakelius' control, surely that means he already knows where we are? It isn't worth our hanging around any longer.
Sansua:Got it! I'll make a move to headquarters.
But it really baffles me why she didn't destroy the stone tablets. They hold such important information. If Kameria had destroyed the tablets, she'd have achieved what she was sent here to do. It would be worth talking to the commander about this when you get to headquarters.
Player, you're back! After hearing these terrible things from Sansua, I decided to wait here for you. Please, tell me what happened.
*Olivier listens to your report on what happened in the underground city.* So that's how it was. Kameria was there... Well, as for Sansua's curiosity as to why they didn't destroy the stone tablets, you can look at it like this: Parakelius wanted to destroy the evidence using Kameria, but Kameria didn't do it. Indeed, she wanted us to find out that these tablets exist. She protected them with such potent monsters that only the White Unit could see them. And this Hedipedes you met... isn't it strange? The High Priest Kayapa and the ancient King Angelion mindlessly rise from the dead. Only Hedipedes still had his wits about him. And he was the one to tell you where Kameria was. At least she didn't seem to be completely under Parakelius' control. Hence she was able to help us in the end. After all, how would you have been able to communicate with one of the ancients? A member of an ancient people who don't even use the same form of writing! That must have been down to Kameria's magic.
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