Quest details

Level range: 133

Quest giver: Scholar Poltio

Defeat 30 Blue-Scaled Koatels and 30 Steel-Skinned Cliff Nagas around Echo Escarpment and then talk to Poltio.

  • Experience: 461942 EP
  • 0 58 823



Please get rid of the nearby monsters, otherwise they'll get in the way of my translating these writings. Whilst deciphering these letters, I'll subconsciously drift off into another world. There could be nothing more embarrassing than losing your life in a state like that. So please, put your back into it and eliminate the Koatels and Cliff Nagas.




It won't take me too long to decipher this! Don't just stand around then, fight off those monsters! Don't leave me waiting for nothing.


Oh, have you already eliminated 30?


You're a little rough around the edges, but you're useful for some things! Not everyone can deal with monsters like that. Anyway, I'm finished working out these writings.

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