Quest details

Level range: 126

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Riam

Defeat High Priest Kayapa in the Desolate Graveyard, take the High Priest's Necklace, produce a rubbing of the hieroglyphs and then talk to Riam.

  • Experience: 637690 EP
  • 0 80 382



Before I bumped into the mummies and ran away, I had some time to look over the stone tablets. It took a while before I could decipher the writings. The inscription states that there was once a High Priest who looked after the graveyard. The reigning High Priests always had to wear a necklace made of teeth around their necks. Can that be the High Priest who I saw? If that's the case, I need to find out what power has brought this High Priest back to life. I mean, he died a very long time ago. Venture into the heart of the graveyard, defeat the High Priest I talked about and bring me his necklace. Oh, and don't forget to take a rubbing of the stone tablet. Here, take this parchment!


Got it! But why is there a High Priest on the graveyard?


I assume that of all the ancient inhabitants, only high-ranking people were buried here. That would explain why this place is guarded by stone statues. These stone statues were under the personal control of the High Priest and his potent magical powers. If you go over there and find the stone statues, then maybe also the High Priest will show himself.


Oh, you're back! And what about the necklace?


Unbelievable, then it really was him! The mummies and evil spirits will have been awoken by the High Priest, but the question remains, who woke the High Priest? There's something very strange going on in this underground city.

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