Quest details

Level range: 126

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Danian

Talk to Sansua in the Undred Expedition Camp.

  • Experience: 232434 EP
  • 0 29 276



By the way, about the records you made a rubbing of in the Abandoned City, well with my skills it will be impossible for me to translate them. There are simply too many bits I can't make out. I'll carry on to the bitter end, but if I'm bring honest, there isn't much hope. Amongst the researchers in this expedition Poltio is the best at deciphering the ancient script of Iberia. I bet he'll be able to decipher these records, no problem. Please take this parchment to him.


Yes, I understand!


Incidentally, the things Riam gave you are... well, we don't know what we should do with them. In my opinion we don't really need them. Is there no one in the area with unique tastes? If there is, take these things to them.


Come closer, Player. I've been waiting for you. I am Sansua of the White Unit. You seem to be looking for someone. Poltio, perhaps?


Unfortunately Poltio isn't in the camp. You've no doubt heard of the giant stone tablet. Poltio set off to find out if the markings on the stone tablet perhaps have some kind of connection with the goddess Leya. He wants to decipher it first and foremost, before acting on it. He's gone to the Luminescent Mushroom Colony. Yet you managed to find the stone tablet, Player. Poltio needn't have gone to so much trouble!

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