Quest details

Level range: 123

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Danian

Talk to Riam on the way to the Desolate Graveyard.

  • Experience: 243869 EP
  • 0 30 711



I can't keep something as important as this to myself! I need to get a message through to Riam. He's somewhere in the Desolate Graveyard. He didn't know what he was getting himself into, but he freely volunteering to investigate the graveyard. He'll be very pleased to hear this message. You should also know that he is very passionate about his work. If you happen to find any stone tablets there, could you make a rubbing of them just as you did in the Abandoned City?


But I don't have any magical parchment paper...


You can also get this parchment from Riam. All expedition members are in possession of this magical parchment paper. You never know when you might need it. If you tell him that, he'll surely give you a piece.


I've discovered something monstrous! Nobody apart from me knows anything about it! *Talking to himself* Hmm? What's that you say? Danian sent you? Come again? You both know about the stone tablets? How can that be?! Only I know of their existence! Have stone tablets been discovered elsewhere?


Oh, there are also such stone tablets in the Abandoned City? Amazing! There are also others in other regions. Ah, in the graveyard of the ancient inhabitants. I've seen them there with my own eyes.

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