Quest details

Level range: 122

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Danian

Defeat the Urks in the Abandoned City. Take the Ancient Inscribed Stone Tablet and then talk to Danian in the Undred Expedition Camp.
  • Loot 1× Ancient Inscribed Stone Tablet

  • Experience: 400983 EP
  • 0 50 395



The Urks in the Abandoned City are especially greedy. Sometimes they even venture as far as the expedition camp and pinch anything they can get their hands on. No doubt they'll have grabbed everything they could find in the Abandoned City. Please fight them and see if they have anything that might be useful for our investigations. I don't dare to head over there myself, but I'd like to use their energies for our purposes.


I don't know if they have anything that could be useful to the research, but I'll go there anyway.


You could say that the Abandoned City was the most densely peopled area in the giant underground city. There are more traces of the ancient population here than anywhere else. I can't stand the idea of such a place being sullied by these people. That's why I'm asking you to make haste.


How did it go? Did you find anything out?


Oh, that's one of these inscribed stone tablets. Let's see. That's the ancient script of Iberia! Hmm... it's not in great condition, but judging from the overall contents, it seems there must be an ancient stone tablet covered in hieroglyphic records at central locations in the city. And... hmm... they broke the stone tablets into pieces to prevent something from happening. Fascinating. You've really found something very important here.

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