Quest details

Level range: 19

Quest giver: Paymaster of the Guards Ophelia

Find Cromin in the Canyon of Secrets and get the information he has on Pillarp. Then go back to Ophelia at Morabia Fort.
  • Talk to Ophelia
  • Loot 1× Cromin's Report

  • Experience: 4252 EP
  • 0 4 46



But Crowner wasn't in possession of the Soul Fragment if you didn't find one on him. That probably means that Pillarp has all the ones from Yesode. Go to the Canyon of Secrets and meet with Cromin, our scout. He's been watching Pillarp for a while now. We need all the information we can get about him if we want to get hold of the Soul Fragments.


All right. But I've got one more question: why do you work undercover, and what does your organisation have to do with the Black Knights?


*looks you over, scrutinising you* You've already helped us a great deal, so I'd like to tell you a bit more about us. You've already been informed about the Black Knights, and you've even taken a valuable item from them. We've been watching you for a while now, and we're not quite sure what path your future is going to take. We do all of our operations in secret - we have to enter Valorian quite often, and if anyone knew that, it would make our work much harder. I can't tell you more at this place, Player. It's for your own safety. You're just going to have to trust me.


That went faster than I thought. Where is Cromin?


Cromin is... dead? *swallows hard* But that can't be right! We need the information about Pillarp! He belongs to the Black Knights and seems to be able to control anyone through eye contact alone. He's now in the Canyon of Secrets with the Soul Fragment, waiting for the next Space-time Gap to appear.

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