Quest details

Level range: 17

Quest giver: Deputy Jameson

Speak to Ophelia.

  • Experience: 2785 EP
  • 0 2 556



Player, I heard from Ophelia that you eliminated the leader of the Baraks. Apparently you defeated Crowner and gave the seal that you got from him to Qyu. Is that right? The seal suggests that it was a servant of the Black Knights. Ophelia is desperately looking for you, so go see her immediately.


All right, Jameson.


The end is finally in sight. Ophelia seems to have traced them, so it shouldn't take long for us to find the Black Knights. Ah, I haven't told you yet. Ophelia is a member of the organisation, like we are. She'll help you.


Welcome, "Player"! So you're new recruit that Jameson has been talking about so enthusiastically.


Pleased to meet you. I'm Ophelia, the general secretary of the gate guards. I'm a member of the organisation like you. I heard that you found a sign at Crowner's, but didn't he have a crystal with him?

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