Quest details

Level range: 90

Quest giver: Sage Renar

You have to learn the new skill from the Sage Renar who is in the Hideout of the Wise.



I heard that you've already been introduced to the Mirhur's ancient knowledge. Was what Unid and Preb taught you useful, Player?


Yes, sometimes. But I don't seem to have mastered the art of evasion yet.


You haven't been to see me yet either. *laughs* I'll show you what you should pay special attention to. Your opponents will think you're clairvoyant!


The Mirhur's Power is a skill which first of all establishes a balance between you and nature. That's why it cannot be absolute. Even if you learn this skill perfectly it doesn't mean that you can use it anywhere and at any time.


Remember: this knowledge is our gift to you. Use it wisely and for the protection of the Mirhur. May the spirits guide you. *smiles*

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