Quest details

Level range: 90

Quest giver: Mirhur Tribe Leader Abdelha

Speak to Princess Marlone in High King Neban Maha's Palace.

  • Experience: 22407 EP
  • 0 24 177



Player, your efforts for our home means a lot to us. You have managed to give us back a little bit of hope. I would like to thank you more, but our country is lying in ruins and we have a lot of work ahead of us. A messenger came out of the gap and said he was from a... capital city? Do you know anything about that? He brought a message for you saying that your presence was desired there again. He seems to be in a hurry, so I don't want to keep you any longer. You've done so much for us that all our dreams and prayers will go with you!


I'm pleased that I was able to help. Perhaps I will return one day to continue helping the Mirhur. But first I have to see what I'm needed for.


We'll never forget your goodness and your kind heart. You'll always be a welcome guest in Mirhur. Farewell!

Marlone Meridian:

*mumbles* Was that the right decision? The Colossus Mountains are very dangerous...

Marlone Meridian:

I've been expecting you, Player. Did you manage to help the Mirhur? I need to make a decision and would like to know your opinion.

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