Quest details

Level range: 50

Quest giver: Forest Reeve Alvid

Report the problems to Prime at the Grand Sanctuary of Light in Keter Main Castle.
  • Loot 1× Alvid's Message

  • Experience: 13532 EP
  • 0 9 147



Whilst I look for a remedy for the Dying Forest, Player, report to the Kaos monk Prime. Perhaps he can be of help to us. It's always good to have a new set of eyes on a problem. I pray to the gods that we are not too late and that we can protect the forest from drying out completely!


I'm praying for that too! Why would the Rahu do such a thing?


I can only speculate, but perhaps they need the life force of the forest to awaken something terrible. Although I sincerely hope that I'm wrong. There's trouble ahead for Gebra! We have to continue to keep a close eye on the Rahu and the Black Knights!


A shadow lies over Gebra and the moor in Tyconteroga. In my ball I see dried out branches. What is going on there?


Player, if I'm reading your face correctly, you've come bearing bad news. Am I right?

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