Quest details

Level range: 50

Quest giver: Lion King Neban Maha

Use the passage portal to go to the Kaos base. Speak to Bait, the representative of the Lion King.

  • Experience: 12262 EP
  • 0 8 316


Neban Maha:

As you may know, Gebra is situated between Derion and Gor, therefore it is a good strategic place. To confirm the ownership of Valorian we need to settle here. Go to the Kaos base in Gebra and meet up with Bait, who is in charge over there. Help him ensure that our original plans run smoothly.


Very good, your majesty.

Neban Maha:

You, Valorian one, have become irreplaceable for us. Don't forget that all your words and actions will have their consequences. I hope that you work your way up to become the leader and become a role model for the legions.


His Majesty Neban Maha is so quick-tempered he won't forgive me in a hurry if he finds out about this. Within the next few days the field marshal His Majesty has appointed will take up his station. It never rains but it pours! What am I going to do?


Oh, you have arrived. Nice to meet you, I'm Bait, the Lion King's representative. I'm in charge here, while his majesty Neban Maha is building a new castle. (Bait appears to be worried.)

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