Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Member of the White Troop Avandil

Kill Byokes and steal the black ring from him. Pass it on to Avandil.
  • Loot 1× Black Ring



Oops! I shouldn't talk that much, we don't have time for that. After you have completed your mission, you should kill Byokes in the castle Coulserina to obtain the black ring.


But Byokes belongs to the Gor army, that dealt with the Princess.


You don't need to worry about that. Killing him, does not mean that he will die. Even if it doesn't make any sense, do it anyway. To make a long story short, it'll be possible to get him back by travelling back in time. So kill Byokes and get the black ring.


%! This way! We have to keep out of the warriors' sight. Please understand this, even if it is troublesome. *You also don't want to be discovered and walk past. Suddenly Avandil stops you.*


This it the first time that I've seen the black ring. A sinister magic surrounds it. Hurry up and take it to the Princess. *Avandil carefully puts the ring into a leather pouch, which has a strange shape*

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