Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: General of the Rose Army Rosleil

You have to find Avandil who is hiding in the depths of Coulserina Castle.

  • Experience: 10745 EP
  • 0 14 525



It seems that the princess trusts your skills unreservedly. She has ordered the Rose Army to spread out in the region of Bina and conduct investigations whether there are places where there are even more distinct traces of the Rahu. She has ordered you to infiltrate Coulserina Castle on your own and locate a person called Alvandil. Do you really want to go to the castle alone?


That goes without saying! But who is Avandil?


Is that a person you don't know either? I thought you would know him as his name is mentioned in the message the princess sent me. Whatever, the princess wrote that Avandil must be found at all costs. He is in Coulserina Castle. There must be a special reason behind that. Something we are not allowed to know.


The princess announced a hero called Player who was supposed to liberate us. I hope he has not already become a victim of the Rahu?


So you are Player the princess has talked about, right? You are a little later than expected. I know you have outstanding skills. I was worried you would arrive here covered with scars.

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