Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Marshall of the spirit researchers Ruos

Lecture Rook Cesar, the commander of the Roengreen Knights and Kirix, the second commander of the Roengreen Knights and report back to Ruos.

  • Experience: 7430 EP
  • 0 9 901



Who are the Roengreen Knights actually? Their appearance is important to them and they like to pose around, but when it gets serious, they disappear. Go to them and reprimand them for their neglect of duty.


I will locate these two immediately.


Roengreen Knights are the bodyguards of Emperor Ruard Lopesa and only do something when he instructs them to. Are they staying here because of his wishes? Why is nothing happening over there? Rook Cesar, the leader is in the building next door, so you don't have to spend ages looking for him.


How's it going? Can we count on support again *hopeful* ?


I beg your pardon? Kirix and Rook Cesar are refusing to help? Well why did you come over here then? Are they just going to sit and watch Hod perish? I don't understand this. *sadly shakes his head*

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