Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Leader of the Nezak guards Silverblid

Use the portal to get to back to Markut main castle. You can find Drakan, the leader of the magic knights at the headquarters of the battle magicians. Speak to him.

  • Experience: 7578 EP
  • 0 10 91



The problem is getting worse than I expected. We're losing more and more time cause of this. We received a call from Drakan, the leader of the knights who is at the headquarters of the battle magicians, in Markut. Don't worry about the problems here any more. Instead go to Markut main castle and meet the leader of the magic knights, Drakan.


But... what happened to the work in the magic school and the research center?


Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Part of the educational support that the Mobido magic school usually receives is being given to the Alsenik magic school to establish a balance between the schools. The Tesra research center is planning to send Tripit during the next harvest time free of charge into the infected area.


"Player", you're finally here! How did your mission go in Nezak? Since you've had so much to do lately, I wanted to treat you with a break. However there is a great demand for a good guard in the center of the water spirits, in Hod.


To tell you the truth, Ruos, the marshal of the spirit researchers had to manage the headquarters of the spirits as we recently tried to secretly resurrect the spirits in the Hod region. Apparently this was too much for him. Therefore he asked for another person to help him manage the Hod region. The infection in the Hod region is probably worse than people think it is.

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