Quest details
Level range: 35
Quest giver: Head of administration Frederik
Get 15 Sharp Canine Teeth and 15 Wet Spikes and take them to Frederik, who is at the south east entrance of Nibelheim.
- Loot 15× Sharp Canine Tooth
- Loot 15× Wet Spike
- Experience: 10582 EP
- 0 14 763
Frederik:[Player]:How stupid do you think I am? The history books are full of it: at the end it's always the witnesses who end up being killed for knowing too much. If I'm supposed to risk my life for you, I need something in return.
Frederik:What kind of compensation do you suggest?
I heard that there's a large colony of carnivorous plants in the north east of Nezak in Tara. The right merchants will give you great prices for their canine teeth and spikes. Get me some of them, then I'll tell you what I saw that day.
On days like this I am grateful for the peculiar preferences of the aristocracy. As soon as he has brought me the canine teeth and the wet spikes I will sell them for a lot of money. I will leave this tiresome administrative post and start all over again!
Did I forget to mention that the carnivorous plants have an appetite for humans? Sorry about that. But you seem to be in good health and the items are also intact. Fantastic! *looks pleased with the canine teeth and the spikes*