Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Head of administration Frederik

Defeat 25 Escaped and 25 Dishonest Giants and their leader Majota. Go back to Rugren at the Alsenik Magic School afterwards.

  • Experience: 18578 EP
  • 0 25 958



The culprits are giants! Just like the ones that come up in history books! On Majota's command they have started ravaging Nibelheim. We have to stop them!


Do you know anything about Gerod?


Up till now I've been taking a back seat. But after we've finished our work I'm going to have to leave this place. We don't have a minute to lose! Good luck!


How's it going, did you get any useful information from Frederik? I was a little bit puzzled when I heard that you had been seen hunting carnivorous plants. *Rugren is evidently more than a little bit puzzled*


You defeated the giants in Nibelheim? Majota too? Great! Have you got any other news?

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