Quest details
Level range: 35
Quest giver: Head of administration Frederik
Defeat 25 Escaped and 25 Dishonest Giants and their leader Majota. Go back to Rugren at the Alsenik Magic School afterwards.
- Eliminate Dishonourable Giant × 25
- Eliminate Escaped Giant × 25
- Eliminate Majota × 1
- Experience: 18578 EP
- 0 25 958
Frederik:[Player]:The culprits are giants! Just like the ones that come up in history books! On Majota's command they have started ravaging Nibelheim. We have to stop them!
Frederik:Do you know anything about Gerod?
Up till now I've been taking a back seat. But after we've finished our work I'm going to have to leave this place. We don't have a minute to lose! Good luck!
How's it going, did you get any useful information from Frederik? I was a little bit puzzled when I heard that you had been seen hunting carnivorous plants. *Rugren is evidently more than a little bit puzzled*
You defeated the giants in Nibelheim? Majota too? Great! Have you got any other news?