Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Collector Bani

Go into the spider forest and kill the adjutant, Periol, of the Bizik invaders. Take Periol's wedding ring and take it to the collector Bani at the central encampment.
  • Loot 1× Periol's Wedding Ring

  • Experience: 11098 EP
  • 0 13 518



The Bizik invaders are the brotherhood of the residents of the country. Their goal is to clean the dead country. Almost all members have turned into unidentified zombies in the dead country. I would be grateful if you could get me an item from the spider forest.


Which item do you mean?


Periol was the adjutant of the invaders when he promised to marry a beautiful woman. People say that she still hasn't really accepted Periol's death and it still waiting for him. I know, it's a very sad story. The least I want to do is give her the ring as a memorial.


If it's really a good idea to hand the ring over to Eltain? *looks over at Eltain*


Thank you very much, you did good workl. *Bani carefully takes the ring and without saying much, puts it into a box*

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