Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Collector Bani

Go to the technician Wayne Mongba at the central encampment and find out information on the possibility of destroying the dragon bone.

  • Experience: 4196 EP
  • 0 4 957



Oh no!!! What... what happened? The dragon bone completely devoured my spider eggs! Damn Wayne Mongba. He deceived me! My precious spider eggs... how terrible.. Player, find out how you can destroy this bone!


Chill out...


If this plan backfires you, the one who gave me this information, and Wayne Mongba are going to be sorry! *Bani is trembling out of rage*

Wayne Mongba:

Hm, it's you again? What's going on now?

Wayne Mongba:

What? He wanted to nourish the spider eggs to tame them? Why didn't he say that in the first place? I thought that he wanted to keep the spider eggs forever and that he gave you this information. Hmm, it's highly doubtful that an object that can destroy the dragon bone exists in this world.

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