Quest details

Level range: 44

Quest giver: Third commander of the Roengreen Knights Luwailla

Eliminate 15 Cunning Koatel, 15 Koatel Blackmailers, 15 Googly Eye Observers and 15 Experienced Observers and report back to Luwailla at the north western part of the Large Spirit Path.

  • Experience: 19309 EP
  • 0 25 923



Even if Leitri has been eliminated, the other monsters still pose a danger. They won't multiply, but they'll still remain a problem for the spirits. Eliminate the Cunning Koatel, Koatel Blackmailers, Googly Eye Observers and Experienced Observers who have occupied the Spirit Lake.


All right. I'll take care of it!


If we recapture the Spirit Lake, the magic of Elixia will return as well. But it won't be the same, because Gyarpa, the mother of all spirits, does not exist anymore.


You're back! Did you eliminate the monsters?


Great work! Now we just need to re-strengthen the spirits so that Elixia can be infused with magic again.

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