Quest details

Level range: 44

Quest giver: Third commander of the Roengreen Knights Luwailla

Look for and defeat Leitri, the dream-witch, near the small island between the three large islands at the Spirit Lake, defeat 15 Succubus Destroyers, 15 Succubus Dream Invaders and 15 Succubus Seducers and report back to Luwailla afterwards.



As you may know, the Rahu Monsters are now controlling what the spirits used to rule. Once the magic protective barrier was weakened, the monsters appeared. But it was Leitri, the dream-witch and leader of the Succubi who summoned them. Go to the islands at the Spirit Lake and kill Leitri before she causes any more damage.


I understand. I'll leave immediately.


Once you've killed Leitri, the Rahu monsters will stop spreading themselves out. You will find them on the small island at the Spirit Lake.


You're back! Did you kill the witch?


Thanks so much! Leitri has been killed and the monsters of the Rahu have been contained. Now the powers can be restored.

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