Quest details

Level range: 24

Quest giver: Training supervisor Marad

Go to Rodrigo at the Arianrod gate, carry out his mission and bring his seal to Marad.
  • Loot 1× Rodrigo's Seal

  • Experience: 7392 EP
  • 0 8 342



This is unbelievable! The Valorians have destroyed the Arianrod gate and are attacking us! You have to get to the front immediately! Help Rodrigo and bring me his seal when you have these problems under control.


That doesn't sound good.


You can say that again! The Arianrod gate has separated our kingdoms for a long time. But if the Valorians break their agreement... *gulps* I fear the war could get worse if we don't take care of this right now. So please hurry!


Are you back already or haven't you left yet?


Oh that was really impressive! That's helped us to buy some time. Perhaps our diplomats can restore peace again.

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