Quest details

Level range: 1

Quest giver: Stranger Mushroom

Bring the special wish lists from Kyunu and the Weaver to the unfamiliar mushroom on the Plain of Harmony.
  • Loot 1× Special Wish List (Kyunu)
  • Loot 1× Special Wish List (Weaver)



*speaks to you suddenly* Do you know Kyunu and the Weaver? Have you by chance received a special wish list from them? I'm looking for someone who has helped them and who possesses a pure soul.


Since when can mushrooms talk? I must be hallucinating!


I'm really not a mushroom, but I've decided on this form for my visit to earth. I might choose a different form next time. But you needn't worry about that. Have you got the wish lists? Then you can exchange them for a precious gift from Heaven's Son.


Why is everyone looking at me like that? Is my form really so conspicuous?


Then you really have helped Kyunu and the Weaver! *looks at you respectfully* Take this silk pouch as a reward for your good deeds. I hope you find inside that which your heart desires.

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