Quest details

Level range: 17

Quest giver: Pandeon priest Grannus

Go to Olivier at Lonbaley Training Camp and give him the message from Grannus.



I've drawn my conclusions from all the strange occurrences and written my assessment of the situation in this report. *gives you a document* Take this report to Olivier at Lonbaley Training Camp, Player. He'll know what to do next. If I were still young, I'd take care of it myself. But I'm just not as strong as I used to be.


Don't worry, Grannus. Your message is in good hands.


I believe you. I just wish though, that I were still young and could take part in the adventure myself. But come on, you'd best get going. I'm getting too sentimental.


Have you brought me the report from Grannus?


*reads* So that's what the crystals are all about - and then that sudden attack from the Black Knights. How interesting!

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