Quest details

Level range: 39

Quest giver: Leader of the Nezak guards Silverblid

Go through the space-time portal, south of the Mobido lake at the ruins and capture the third Memphis piece. Meet Silverblid, the security guard at the Naresuan lake again.
  • Loot 1× Third Memphis Piece



Here take this. This is the soul fragment from the first and second piece. Use it and go back to the point in time before Prince Rosenkrostia stole the soul piece from the white unit. Help the men with the task and bring back the third Memphis piece.


I'll be on my way.


You'll find the space-time portal south of the Mobido lake. Use it. Maybe you'll bump into the general, who was in charge of the operation back then. He will be able to tell you more information on it.


I have been waiting for you. I was surprised, when I found out that Rosenta was still alive. He probably just found a way to escape.


(Silverblid pulls a sad face while you tell him the story of Yesode.) Hmmh, well I'll have to settle with that. At least we're one step further in finding out the secret of the Memphis piece.

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